
Tuesday's Workout

We ran a 5k. That wasn't all, but it was the major thing we did. I ran it in 37:49. This is 10 seconds faster than my last run. I was so excited. I started out with a group but lost them about 3/4 mile into it. I was on my own after that. It was nice. I didn't listen to any music, I kept telling my self to keep going. I did it. I was in an area I've never ever been in before so I actually thought I was lost because there was no one in front of me that I could see and no one behind me. I thought I took a wrong turn somewhere. I finally saw my finish line and was glad to be done. I dug deep within myself and sped up the last little bit to finish. I was happy. I then had to do jumping jacks and push-ups until the remainder of the group came in. I really didn't have to wait long. I'm truly impressed with these people in the group. They try so hard and give it their all. I'm impressed and want to improve myself the same way they do. It was a lot of fun. I even came in second place for my age division. yeah, that says somethin', doesn't it? I had fun is the best part.

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