
Another blah....

Just trying to keep up with this and I'm not always sure what to write about. So today, here are a few things:
Last weekend, Stephen and I were asleep. The kids had all gotten up and were having cereal for breakfast. Boy #2 started choking on his cereal and Girl #1 performed the hymlich (spelling?) She learned how to do this with infants and children from two babysitting classes at the local hospitals. She saw that he wasn't crying, breathing, or trying to caugh, so, she just helped him out. I thought don't you wait a bit? Stephen said, "Heck no! it could be too late! She did a fantastic job." I think I need a refresher on these things, I simply forgot what to do. I'm so greatful she was with them when it all happened. She is amazing!
I finally went running this morning. After 6 or so weeks of not doing a single thing, I got up at 5a.m., got ready, met up with my friends, and we ran for 3 miles. They are quite impressive. They don't just stop and wait for me, they keep running. They go to a corner, turn around pass me, go to a corner turn around and pass me to take the lead again. It works out great cuz, no one is really running alone. I'm so happy and greatful that they are doing this and I get to go with them. Lesa is going to have her hand operated on this week, so I hope she makes a quick recovery.
Stephen asked me why I always start-up running (again) in the dark? Why can't I run when the sun's out? Because I don't know, I can't answer him. Fall is the perfect time for running, so, sorry honey, I can't answer that question at all. I'm jus happy to be back!

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