

On the 14th of November, my Fathers side of the family had a baby shower for my cousin. I'm very excited for her and know she'll have a great time with her new little one. My sister T just had a baby in October. She is just one of the cutest things I have ever seen. At three weeks old she was probably as big as one of mine at birth. I miss having a baby to hold, but know I can always borrow one. My "baby" is now 2 and 1/2 and I want to start potty training.
Babies bring something out in you as a person. They are so fragile, but not. They seem helpless, but help others feel great. There is just something about them that makes a person want to change and be great. Babies change lives, they help to make the world a better place and I truly believe God sends babies to the families they are meant to be with (either by birth or adoption.) My friend Amanda and her husband adopted Max and he is totally meant for them! I mean it. He looks like dad and acts like mom! They are such a cute family and they are hoping to increase their family through adoption again.
Babies change lives and just help the day go better. I'm thankful for the reminder I had this weekend of how much they are needed.

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