
So, I'm a little saddened.

Well due to some financial challenges, I have decided against the Wasatch Woman's 5k/10k run. Stupid money. Why do we need it? My friend also has decided against going. Maybe if is was for some sort of charity or something I could rationalize it, but not right now. I am signed up for the 5k in Sept. That race is for the American Heart Association. I think there are a few going that day in different places for the same thing, but I will be at Sugarhouse Park that day.
Also, I thought I ran for a full 4 miles today. I was wrong. When I google-earthed the trail we used we ran for only 3.86 miles instead of a full 4 miles. I was sadly disappointed when I realized it. I will run further next time. I was also sad because we did that in only 50 min. We started running at 5:47 a.m. and got back by 6:37a.m. so sad. I did however, run the entire thing, no breaks. I will keep going though!
Stephen ran with Mel and me today. Man! he can run. Fast. He did help me to realize that he has just started out, where as I have been doing this since March I think? He had to keep stopping, but if he keeps going like this, he'll whomp me. It is hard for the two of us to run together because of our differences in running, but he's glad that Mel comes with me so I'm not alone. I like to run/jog. It is good fun. I get to be with people who are only trying to help me do better. What good friends and a terrific hubby. I like it.

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