
Piano Recital December 2010

Last Thursday my kids had their piano recital. Their final one for now until we can find a suitable teacher anyway. They all played their pieces memorized, and did very well. Even if they may have invented their own version of the song. I hope I can get the video's on here.

I will miss having my friend teach them, but I do understand when your family needs you more. I've decided to come up with things to go visit her, I don't know what yet, but I'll figure something out. She's a great person and lots of fun to be around, and she'll listen when you just have to vent about people she doesn't even know! But anyway, Thanks so much Lisa for all your hard work and all that you have done to help my children to learn to play the piano. We (Stephen and I) really appreciate it!

The kids didn't announce their song, or wait for an intro really, the just sat down, started playing and when they finished, they walked off while the audience clapped. It was funny. We tried to tell them to at least bow or curtsy, but they were too shy.

Dimples and Deck the Halls.

Starr and Silver Bells. (She kinda played her own version, but I promise she knows this song.) She plays it none stop now.

Tigger and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

By the way, I will no longer be calling Girl #1 "Bratt", there was a suggestion of Teeny me, and I thought about maybe calling her Tiny, but she would now like to be called Tigger, because she's always bouncing off the walls. We'll see how it goes. Again, suggestions are welcome ;) Oooo, I just thought of one while looking at her school photo, pretty girl or beautiful. ? What do ya think?

**Okay the video's are too big to post. Just believe me when I say they tried so hard and did very well.** December 15

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